Saturday 7 September 2013

SD Muhammadiyah es mejor que los demás :D

I believe that SD Muhammadiyah truly is BETTER than every other SD that are in the movie. Well the ultimate reason would be because SD Muhammadiyah teach their students to learn it the hard way, comparing to other SD. For example, students of Muhammadiyah learned mathematics by using sticks, the other school use calculator like us AC3B hahaha. Just because they use calculator, that does not make them any better because they have the calculator to do the job for them while the Muhammadiyah's students actually use their BRAIN to actually do the math. Just look at Lintang, he imagine the number and answer straight away without any help of the device. I wish i could be like him, i really really wish i could.

-Ika Fab- 

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